Wrastlin’ with the Doughboy

Welcome to our new show.

Dr. Big Mac, aka Bottom of the Totem Pole of Dumb, aka Dough Boy, aka Simple Minds Sports’ #1 wrestling fan brings you the latest and the greatest in the world of professional wrestling.

Topics include:

-Cm Punk’s AEW debut
-The new Friday night wars
-best thing for wrestling in 20 years.
-Tony Khan being the fans messiah, being a billionaire and wrestling fan
-AEW being the competition WWE has needed since buying out WCW
-wrestlers creative control

Wrastlin' with the Dough Boy: CM PUNK's Return
The Simple Minds Sports Show

FAT Tuesdays: CAM NEWTON opens the DOOR for MAC


Friday Headlines: The RED SOX are all the way DEAD. Right?