Sunday Conversation with 2 Girls 1 Blunt Podcast

Jaime Lee Simmons and Loud Emily are the hosts and stars of the hottest new NSFW podcast out there. They chatted with the boys about everything other than sports not excluding sisters shitting on tables for some walking around money. Ya‚ it’s a doozy. We even found Billy TrashCan’s Line.

2 Girls 1 Blunt can be found on Apple Podcasts

Follow them via:

Twitter: @2girlz1blunt

Instagrams: @twogirlsoneblunt

Find the latest Jaime is up to at

2 Girls 1 Blunt:

Light up a blunt every Tuesday with two of Boston’s favorite potheads as they dive into everything weed related, comedy, dating, current events, & much more. Hosted by Stand-up Comedian Jaime Lee and a woman of many talents - least of all rolling pearls, Emily.

Sunday Conversation with 2 Girls 1 Blunt Podcast
The Simple Minds Sports Show


Jamie Lee Simmons and Emily chestnut aka Loud Emily - 2 girls 1 blunt Podcast

Light up a blunt every Tuesday with two of Boston’s favorite potheads as they dive into everything weed related, comedy, dating, current events, & much more. Hosted by Stand-up Comedian Jaime Lee and a woman of many talents - least of all rolling pearls, Emily

RAY-where did you two come up with the inspiration for your show? I feel like it’s a way better version of call her daddy.

RICH - Emily - How mad are you at Emily Blunt? Get it?

RICH - Jamie Lee- In one of your 2 truths and a lie post you claim to have pooped your pants on stage. Respect. Care to share? Once I pooped on a stoop in the pouring rain in the North End. I left with no socks and a clean conscious

RAY-Jaime, being a stand up comedian being on stage in front of all those people and landing a joke is that one of the biggest highs?

RICH - Was stand up your introduction into Comedy or did you work up to it?

RICH - Have you taken S.A.T.s? BIll and Ray havent because they are fucking dumb. Here is an SAT question Is 2 girls 1 cup to 2 girls one blunt as Jordan is to Kobe

RAY-both of you have only fans, is it as true as they say? You take photos and make bank? We have a company credit card. Should I subscribe?

RICH - How often do you think about the Dad's cranking away to your only fans?

RAY -the weed game show, I watched. You both were on it. Bill has been smoking weed since 1969. I feel like he would be the weed show champion and no one could dethrone him.

RAY -worst hook up story you both have?

RICH Both - Weed dick or Whiskey dick. Which would you rather smoke?

RICH - Lets talk sports. Do you know Odel Beckham Jr. Would you shit on his chest?

RICH - Emily - You're none sexual hot move is cursing out Yankee fans. Sup. Fuck the Yankees. Aaron Judge is lady boi.

RAY -so we’ve been doing this for a year plus and in that time we have taught Rich some sex slang terms but this one I would like you to tell us about. What is a dragon dick?


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