A Conversation with Will Cooper and the truth about Money Ball

Ever want to get a behind the scene view of the Oakland A’s and Billie Beane’s Money Ball approach? Will Cooper is your guy. Billy Baseball is in heaven.

A Conversation with Will Cooper and the Truth about Money Ball
The Simple Minds Sports Show


Will Cooper - Podcast: Money Ball with Will Cooper

The podcast that compares Hollywood with History

Rich - How did the Movie do telling the truth? Was Brad Pitt too hot?

RayWhat do you think the bigger insult to Paul DePodesta was, changing his name in the movie Moneyball to Peter Brand or casting Jonah Hill to play him?

Ray How did you get involved with the Oakland Athletics?

Rich Was there a big rift between the Baseball scouts and the analytic guys?

Rich Would you call "money ball" a success? A's still havent won.

Is it the only way they have stayed competitive?

Ray Bigger asshole, Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi or David Justice?
Rich Why did Billy Beane never leave Oakland as a GM?
Ray In your opinion, have nerds hurt or helped the game of baseball?
Rich Trick question, dead things can't be helped
Ray Do you think MLB will solve this lockout anytime soon?


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